The price is the same regardless of your choice of anesthesia. The price gets more expensive each week after 12 weeks.
Determined on a case-by-case basis. We may terminate pregnancies up to 24 weeks.
Yes. Please make an appointment for an ultrasound. The fee you pay for your ultrasound will go towards your abortion even if it is performed on a different day. This will be helpful so that you know how much money your procedure will cost.
Yes. We do abortion procedures by appointment Monday thru Saturday.
Yes. If you call in the morning.
First trimester patients (12 weeks or less) should expect to be in the office for less than 2 hours. Second-trimester patients should expect to remain for 2-3 hours if done in 1 day.
Most patients feel only mild cramping. Those who choose the intravenous medication typically have no memory of the procedure.
This varies. It can be from a few hours to three weeks. Bleeding may be constant or intermittent. Spotting and clots can be expected.
If you choose local anesthesia (awake) you can drive yourself or use Uber, Lyft or any public transportation. Patients who choose intravenous medication for pain relief must have someone available to assist and/or take them home.
Most patients return to office work or school a day after the abortion.
Yes. We work with the National Abortion Federation to assist women to obtain funding.
Yes. We offer blood pregnancy tests for $25.00.
Yes. We offer written confirmation after a blood test or ultrasound if testing performed at our clinic for $25.00.
We recommend not having sex for two weeks after your procedure.
Normally, your menstrual cycle will resume in 4 to 6 weeks.
No. The bleeding you will have after your procedure will be bleeding from your surgery.
We recommend a pad for the first 24 hours and then you may use tampons.
For your safety, as you may become nauseated and vomit during surgery.
No. You do not need to tell anyone.
No. Ultimately the decision is all yours.
Call us at (702) 221-7233. We have a physician on call 7 days a week 24 hours a day. If you have any questions or are experiencing post-operative problems.
No. All Rhogam injections are provided at no additional cost to you.
Yes. We will discuss birth control options and provide a prescription if requested.
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